
What is this “too greasy” you speak of???

Oh my GOD will this mayo-on-grilled-cheese conspiracy ever STOP?!? People, just say no! In the interest of science, I tried this abomination and it was the most vile, disgusting disappointment ever - my taste buds almost divorced me. Grilled cheese requires BUTTERY GOODNESS... don’t let Big Mayo fool you into trying

Why so angry? Don’t miss Divorce with Sarah Jessica Parker. Hawaii Five-O is free on CBS.

Don’t let the saloon doors hit you where the maze don’t go on your way out.

“I know some will complain that it was “predictable” but that’s only because they laid out the bread crumbs so well.”

MiB’s reaction to finding the maze is any gamer’s reaction to shitty rewards when you get 100% completion.

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The difference between suspense and surprise. This show isn’t about surprises as much as it is suspense. Another io9 article actually pointed this out pretty well with the old Hitchcock example of a couple enjoying dinner, and at the end a bomb goes off. if you know the bomb’s beneath the table, you saw the end


Absolutely. Fucking. Amazing.

Season 2: Luke gets framed for framing a picture-framer...

Not sure what that has to do with their ability to create a sci-fi show.

The innocent people I have sympathy for are the black and brown people who will continue to be victimized, for disabled people, for Muslims. I have no sympathy for working class white people who voted for someone who has no intention or ability to improve their circumstances because he claimed to hate the same people

Did you just call arguably the most beloved franchise since Star Wars, “whimsical bullshit?” I mean, you do you, but that seems a little, uh...shortsighted.

Just a misleading way of saying this is nothing like Harry Potter.

I don’t know. I thought the “whimsical bullshit” was that the magic was supposed to be real.

Yo, don’t slight Harry Potter like that.

Yeah seems like HP Lovecraft might also have a few things to say about that

With Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis, I think you may have invented the genre of gothic science-fiction.

Not the first time Trump tapped a teen... Hey ho!

Me too! I feel bad for the country and myself, but (in several ways) worse for Kurt Eichenwald. Not only was he taking time away from his family to thoroughly investigate things, he was being threatened on-line and sent videos meant to trigger his epilepsy. And on top of it, he gets lumped into The Media, a dreaded