
We might need to talk about what defines the genre of “science fiction.” I feel like there may be some boundary issues, here.

I finally caught “The Invitation” after many recommendations the other night which, while not sci-fi, is genre adjacent. I dug the hell out of it. I also really liked not knowing anything about it beyond, guy goes to dinner party.

But... they WOULD have been racist. Look at the era the film portrays, it’s not like black people had many rights back then.

And I never saw the movie as one needing a payoff. It simply plays on the fear of the devil people of the time had, and how misogyny was quite often the real motivation for people’s actions.

I love recommendation posts like this, thanks!

I’ve never understood this. So you’re saying that somehow because he looks a little older that somehow makes his death justified or that man’s fear more rational?

Mental illness is still taboo in our society and sometimes the rate of denial among family and spouses is on par with substance abuse addiction. Kim is a person of normal intelligence, and I assume she like most people would be the last person to recognize that their spouse needs professional help. It’s easy for third

Exactly. Having suffered mental health issues myself, I remember times where I was acting like Kanye and people LOVED it. No, I wasn’t famous or bringing in money, but I was making parties more interesting and doing “artist” things and people were getting entertainment out of my unhealthy behavior. I look back at my

There are a TON of people like this that have to continually push their progressive and oh so diverse street cred. It’s like an Internet comments section: “As the mother of a queer, gender nonconforming, autistic kid with disabilities...”, “as someone who is 1/8 Native American and half Tibetan...”, “As someone who is

continually rolling out her bonafides when she does something like this is getting tiresome as well - it devalues the currency of the facts seems less like earnest empathy and more like i have a black friend!

lena dunham: I’m the victim here! Me! Me!

Ugh, Lena Dunham:

lena dunham : profile in courage.

I have a cat named Lady Gaga. She has to wear pajamas because of her over grooming. You can feel bad for her. And also think she is adorable.

I feel like I have met a thousand of her wannabe clones in Orange County, CA with those dead, church bitch eyes.

I think we need to ease up on the poor thing. She’s trying.

Katy Tur, please go back to London as soon as you can.

It’s so nouveau riche, non?

You should worry about the cats for sure.

I can’t decide if I should be feeling sorry for him or worried about the cats in his neighborhood.