
Which one?

If he’s a good hooker, he’ll do that.

Hopefully Malik got his money from Trump in advance. In cash.

Let’s be clear about something...

Lard knows he will never come to where I live, we’d have to track him down to rain that well-deserved sarcastic, heckling, harpy laughter all over him as he brays. I imagine him covering his ears and running away.

This last stunt has so shocked Obama to his very core, he’s leaving the whitehouse at the end of this term, and won’t be seeking reelection.

.... THIS is the Trump camp’s idea of psy ops?

I say we get up a posse and rent us a bus so that the Cackling Avengers can wreak us some havoc on Trump’s shit, fellow spinster!

You’re kind of like a Tiffany Trump, then?

You are a braver man that I, Gunga Din!

Folks, if you want to understand why a vile, puss filled humanized infected pimple on the ass of mankind does ANYTHING, you have to THINK like a puss filled humanized infected pimple on the ass of mankind. He’s bringing a “Kenyan” to galvanize his xenophobic base and to give credence to Obama being a ‘Kenyan’. Not

DT Jr and the Blond Wall Street Vampire Trump would shoot this tiger. He should hide.

Oh, Malik, Malik. Dem ashy fingers, doe, bless your heart.

As a person whose father traveled the country setting up franchises (starting families then leaving them) I can attest to the businesslike nature of meeting a person that you are biologically related to but have no further connections. It’s like, yes my father fucked your mother, pleasure to meet you.

Oh Trump. You are the Trumpiest Trump who has ever Trumped. No one can Trump like you.

I’m southern so I can say this.

Man, that’s some serious Sex And The City shit right there.

This is not at all about Hillary. It’s another dog whistle to his supporters.

What happened to you was worse. Much worse.

White skin suffices.