
White skin suffices.

What “qualifications” are doctors supposed to fly with? Official copy of med school transcripts? Diploma? Fancy badge from facility they work at?

Thank you! That comment was nasty and un-called for.

Actually, this was the unresponsive guy.

That was the point where I realized I’d been tricked and this whole thing was a trailer for Armando Ianucci’s new show.

Everyone knows women love to be silenced and shamed!

What do you mean Halloween doesn’t last a month?

The train went off the cliff because you fell asleep at the controls, you sleepy weirdo.

Doesn’t Eddie Izzard refer to himself as a transvestite because he wears women’s clothing?

America, please vote, or else...

At this point, if Mitt was running, people would flock to him in the hopes that his Mormon cleanliness could counteract Trump’s gooey slime drippings.

I don’t like popcorn so...

I can’t sleep. Maybe some light reading from 2013 will help:

I’m between

What number did we agree on a la Cosby before we start believing them?

Thank you for reminding us where the focus should be.

as the son of a father and the brother of a brother, i couldnt agree more.

I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives. 

Mitt is a Norman Rockwell painting in comparison.

#Repealthe19th, ladies and gentlemen. That’s where we’re at now. This election season has gone so far below the bottom of the barrel, so quickly, that it has punctured a hole in space-time. It now dwells in a dimension that lacks even the concept of barrels.