
Why would anyone think this was anything other then a little jokey video. Next we will be investigating Red Letter Media for killing hookers and microwaving cats.

Seems pretty fake but I guess time will tell

Jemaine Clement is a Kiwi, not an Australian. and it’s Jemaine, not Jermaine. i know this because i love him.

Jemaine is from New Zealand.

Look how accurate!

Oh how I want this to keep going. Let’s make this a month of disgusting revelation after revelation. It’ll be terrible for my blood pressure but it will save us all.

In my fever dreams, which are apparently coming true today.

Anyone else thinking this and his “pussy” comments totally tank him in Utah? Three of their Republican leaders were among those who pulled support for him today, he is polling terribly there for a Republican, and Mormons hate him. His views on immigration and refugees make him unpopular, and his vulgarity has always

Why is trade part of this election? The electorate doesn’t understand trade, nor have strong opinions about it. Economists don’t seem to have any clear consensus about how much effect impending trade deals (TPP) will have. All the trade deals that Trump focuses on, economists believe had a very mild effect.

All those pharaohs who chose to only be buried with priceless gold treasures are now lamenting their poor choice of burial goods.

She’s a lying, manipulative, unethical person. She’s not your average woman who happens to have fame and money. She and her family are awful. A lot of people on here are yelling ‘victim blaming!’ when actually, most people are just expressing their apathy.

If a guy came up to me, splayed his face feathers out like that, and did a little dance - I’d probably hook up with him.

Cause he was a genius back then.

More recently, No Good Deed (2014).

How’d he fit all that funny into under 2 minutes?

Looks good, and it’s nice to see Daniel Kaluuya step up to a leading role in a movie (missing the British accent tho).

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Is the title in reference to the Eddie Murphy joke about black people and haunted houses?

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Yikes, high tension. It seems like the type of movie I couldn’t actually sit through unless I knew how it was going to end.

1992. Candyman. Lol

Any such list missing Inception discredits itself.