
She literally can’t handle being questioned without accompanying fanfare and adulation. Despite her best efforts and haunted eyes, I think she’s truly becoming her father’s daughter. I’m assuming the transformation involves a series of painful stem-cell injections delivered in a dank basement somewhere under

So does that mean single moms are not covered either? Or is this an “unmarried whore need not apply” situation

I never thought that Cosmo would be more willing to ask substantive questions than the New York Times, and yet here we are.

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Trump lies. It would only be news if he actually told the truth for once in his live.

Facts are un-American. Why do you hate the troops?

“Quick! Take the picture.”

Hate to point out Cher's wrong, but "dr" Oz has no ethics.

I don’t know how to embed things but this one cracked me up.

Remember back in the 90s when Howard Stern’s movie came out and for like six months, people were saying, “okay, he’s crass, but at least he really loves and is devoted to his wife and it’s just an act...” and then he dropped his wife like a hot potato and started dating the sleaziest women he could find, proving that

Snowed in....

He let them use footage of him in the 50th Anniversary. I know because I saw him in it.

Pretty sure Mortal was talking about Heroes, which yes, the first season was by far the best one.

I wouldn’t say that they ignore most of what he says. It just isn’t surprising to them. They (and most people) expect it from him. Where as most people expect Hillary to be calculating and diplomatic.

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The media will ignore this as they’ve ignored all the bullshit this vile creature has spewed out. Plus Hillary got a bit overheated and that makes for a much more exciting story after all. Fuck Matt Lauer, fuck the deplorables and fuck me because there’s nothing I can do to stop this fucking garbage piece of shit from

Donald Trump doesn’t care about people unless they can do something for him.

I will watch any garbage with him in it...I sat through mother’s day just to look at him
