
Maybe. I’m not really familiar with Ed Sheeran’s touring schedule.

That’s what I kind of love about old European cities. We’re so provincial in North America with our ample body burying space.

Wait how did you know I had Kaiden and Ashley?? And yeah that’s exactly what I did. I had initially been planning on hooking up with her until I figured out that she’s super racist. Now I’m playing mind games with Liara and Kaiden so I’m nervous to bring either of them with me anywhere.

I completely share your anxiety about this! This book was pivotal for me and kick-started my lifelong obsession with dystopian fiction. In the novel Serena suffers from arthritis and walks with a cane. Her career is also used as a device to imply her advancing age...I just don’t see her as 34. I think Faye Dunnaway

I’m a little disappointed. I thought Serena Joy’s age was somewhat relevant to her character, showing her as someone who could safely adopt the “Shrug. I don’t need those pesky reproductive rights anymore and all those other women’s abortions can’t be nearly as moral as the one I might have had,” stance but who got

Hi Jezzies and welcome Gawkfugees! This has been an... interesting week here to say the least. Here is your Brag Thread (though I guess a lot of us could just brag about getting ungreyed on all the Jez sub-blogs)! My brag is that I bought my airfare to see Mr. Antisocial graduate from OCS, and in an uncharacteristic

I swear if he ever stops being awesome, the sun will get 2% darker just out of disappointment.

Holy shit, these are awful.

Sorry, but...what a lame thing to do. I was expecting it to be something like biolumescent algae growing on the rock. There is nothing cool or natural about taking the shrimp out of their environment and pouring them over a completly foreign environment for a photo op. Unimpressed by the murder of innocent shrimp...

The more I see astronomers debunking the alien megastructure hypothesis, the further they seem to be reaching and the more credible they seem to be making the alien megastructure hypothesis.

sorry this was pretty damn good at scale one of the best ever.


“No, I didn’t run for President. That was something people said because everyone loves Donald Trump. But believe me I never ran. I’d make the best President but I didn’t run for President” - Donald Trump, December 2016

So its basically as useless as it was before... Wellp thank god there is Pokevision.com!

Assange has a television show on RT...it’s not a crazy conspiracy theory

Exactly. Wikileaks is starting to look more and more like a Russian intelligence cut-out. It’s not a coincidence that Snowden ended up in Moscow.

Among several other things, metadata in Cyrillic was a big key-off

Were we are going we don’t need eyes......

‘Now, we finally can see what Hitomi did right before it died.’