
I don’t know what you are talking about. I love cowering behind cover, opening my ui, waiting for it to load, switching to the inventory tab, waiting for THAT to load, cursoring over to ammo synthesis and holding a button to use it. Its super good Design.


Nop. You’re wrong. It’s a really important issue and if you can’t see it, too bad. Billionaires funding wars on media via proxy lawsuits is a crime against society buddy. Hate gawker all you want, the principle is a vital one.

Fingers crossed it’s Herr Starr. That man is so goddamn entertaining, despite how reprehensible he is. Makes no sense for it to be Odin Quincannon— we’ve already seen his face, so why hide it?

Shut up Bioware and take my money and 1st born.

The plot is that a crew left the Milky Way at the end of ME3, headed for Andromeda (our nearest neighbor galaxy), to preserve humanity in the event that the Reapers won. So they arrive with technology that is from the original-trilogy era, but a huge amount of time has passed since Andromeda is 2.5 million light years

No it doesn’t. It happens thousands of years after the end of the game.

Someone should tell DrWhoSoccerStar that Mallrats was not a film about teenagers.

Really excited about Hidden Figures!! I have a book on women at NASA, and a book about African-Americans at NASA, but I think the only African-American woman in either is Mae Jemison, and even then only in passing (!!). Fucking ridiculous. This book fills an egregious gap, and I’m looking forward to the movie as well.

You left out Friends...

Check out Utopia

Your comment actually made me throw up in my mouth. Reimagined BSG was the first time science fiction tried to be adult on television. People like you are what keep science fiction from growing up. “Fun.” Please. Science fiction’s been kid’s stuff for far too long.

Well, the original was vaguely disguised Mormonism, and I found it terribly un-fun to watch.

I enjoy watching depressing commentary on the state of our society, religious or otherwise. Cf: Breaking Bad, Orphan Black, The Americans, Preacher, The Walking Dead, Person of Interest, and any number of other shows.

Blacks are to be tolerated.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

Because money is expensive.

My only problem is that their daughter looks a little too dark to have a mixed race blood line... Hermione has been cheating and I don’t appreciate it! Kingsley Shacklebolt has some explaining to do!!!!!

<sigh> It’s the receipt for docking fees at a yacht club. A “berth certificate.”

“Instead of being like, ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,’ or ‘Trump did a good job,’ everyone’s saying, ‘Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?’ And you make me look very bad,” Trump complained, taking on reporters in the room. “I have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job.”

“I never said six!”