
Adam’s a Giz writer most of the time, this is a bad list. In my opinion 1,2,3,4 and 10 have no goddamn business being lumped in with Judge Dredd or Mission to Mars and I actually think even Lucy doesn’t really fit (it’s dumb science, not a terrible movie). And Star Wars TPM? WTF, who needs that pointed out on a list!?

Since when do io9 trash talk a genre/subgenre over another? Saying fantasy is shit and Hard Sci-fi is superior is just not the io9 way.

“Stanley Kubrick started making this movie, died, and then Steven Spielberg took over. The final result is pretty much what you’d expect from this absurd juxtaposition of filmmaking prowess. Plus, Jude Law plays a robot gigolo.”

I wouldn't even call Blade Runner the best sci-fi movie made by Ridley Scott. :-)

With a list about terrifically terrible movies, I was expecting to see stuff like Space Truckers or Arena.

The Fifth element is a MASTERPIECE.

Event Horizon perfectly nailed what it was trying to do: A Hellraiser movie in space with the serial numbers filed off. It doesn’t belong on the list.

Did you not reach your click quota for the week?

The Fifth Element isnt bad. Sure it can get a tad silly at times and it had the camp dialed up to 11 (it is a Milla Jovovich film after all) but terrible? Naw.

Sorry, but The Fifth Element and Starship Troopers knew exactly what they were doing and did it well. They are not examples of “so bad it’s good.”

Utah is where old weird British accents, much reduced today thanks to radio and television, went. Older Utahns say “fark” for “fork”; this probably is because a very large portion of 19th-century Mormon converts were from North Yorkshire—pronounced by locals as “Narth Yarkshire.”

I think them going under over it is a bit of stretch—okay, it’s a Reed Richards-level stretch—but at the moment, it is a very cheap move. I’m intrigued to see how they’ll tackle it.

In fairness to the author, she didn’t say anything “sucks”. She quoted the expert discussing how it’s a tool in the toolbox. But someone saying that, say, an herb is a tool in the culinary toolbox isn’t to say that any cuisine that doesn’t use that herb “sucks”.

It would be so easy to be snarky but I choose excitement.

How do you know what gender Laverne Cox is playing Frank as?

Is there truly an opposite feeling of mourning for the lost innocence of ones’ youth? Cause I’m totally mourning the loss of my corruption as my freakyness gets assimilated by the mainstream.

It made sense it was canceled after seven seasons, mostly because the star and showrunners were ready to move on. That show was filled to the brim with talent. It reminded me of the early years of The West Wing because it tackled the stories of the day through wide-eyed idealism.

I know the web shooters and the formula are major parts of Parker’s science wiz persona but straight up I always found it silly that someone who gets the abilities of a spider wouldn’t inherit pretty much the defining ability of spiders. I am definitely pro organic web.

Yeah, I was wary about Holland based on just photos and seeing little of his previous work, but I gave him a chance, and they BLEW IT OUT OF THE WATER.