
perhaps you’re unfamiliar with Olivier’s Othello

Also: It would be really nice if you didn’t cynically assume that being an MCU fan (which I am with qualification) makes you a complete fucking idiot who thinks ‘Chinese’ and ‘Celtic’ are interchangable because they begin with the same letter.

But to say "they probably came from Asia" is a little broad of a statement and misleading...

As much as I love the idea of Tilda Swinton as a reimagined Celtic Ancient One on paper, she has a shaved head, is wearing obviously Chinese-influenced garb, lives in what appears to resemble a Buddhist temple, practices kung fu, and spouts pseudo-koans. If you’re going to make her a Celt, fine, good—stick her in the

So basically “people are gonna bitch either way, so just as well cast whites in all the roles anyway!” is what you’re saying.

“it’s one of the dimmest galaxies”

And do what, with it? I’m gonna just head this off and say that I’m not someone who’s like “THIS IS PC CLICKBAIT” and 99 times out of 100 I’m on io9's side, so this isn’t me trying to be some bro about it. I don’t disagree with the article, but I’m just not sure what the point of it is. Yeah, Kipling was a racist and

“If any question why we died, tell them, because our fathers lied.”

The context she wants is “we should never make films out of this”. That’s nonsense.

But that doesn’t explain why she called it “garbage.”

I am not one who usually complains about being overly PC, because that charge is usually thrown out by conservatives and libertarians to shut down criticism of their own wacky ideas rather than engage in a discussion. But in this case you are being overly PC. Much of 19th and early 20th century literature is saturated

Am I the only one hoping that this isn’t a planet at all? I kind of hope this is just us discovering the first Mass Relay 133 years too early.

Same. It just makes me think of that hilariously bad CSI New York episode.

I am more shocked that Second Life is still around to be honest.

There are sober Scottish guys?

Girlfriend is having the best second act ever! And not even pretending to try to be younger. I fucking love it!

Yuuuuuuge data.


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