
The Little Prince approves.

Archer reviewing Bond?

To this day my favorite game. Amazing production design, incredible gameplay, great story. Can’t wait for Andromeda!

Great article as always.

: facepalm : Angels & Demons are aliens by technical terms. People misunderstand this all the time. They existed before the Earth did in mythology.

You had my curiosity at angel-demon hybrid

Eurovision continues to have its finger on the pulse of all that is relevant and necessary.

So basically under a President Trump the federal budget will include a line item for funds to a Nigerian prince.

You see that preparation, then you think of the guys who just hop on, half-asleep, dressed like slobs and shoot straight to thousands of viewers without a single word on their appearance. A girl who doesn’t look attractive, or dares be over the average weight (unlike all the super fit handsome male viewers) appears on

“whore! how the whore are ya, ya big ol whore!”

Internet: You are whore for showing your boobs.

Someone had to do it.

I love this movie! I think it’s one of the best horror films of the 90s: great cast, cool cinematography, and a nice homage to two of horror fiction’s great writers without being too derivative of either. And that old woman was just plain creepy as hell. That said, the film does have a few flaws. That soundtrack is

Man, these sex dolls are getting all types of fancy.

Enemy of the State (with Will Smith & Gene Hackman) has recently been in the rotation on FX. The tech might be a little dated, but the story still holds up well. It’s amazing how prescient the film was about the surveillance state.

Oh god, I love her so.

Agreed. Im 34.

I feel sorry for my sons generation and those to follow.

LOL. Here’s Lovecraft in Brooklyn, 1925. He doesn’t looked psyched to be there, does he?