Being bad at rapid word association doesn’t make you stupid.
Being bad at rapid word association doesn’t make you stupid.
True. The only difference is KFC was a successful stand/restaurant before deciding to franchise, while this person is a random person walking into your store asking for 50 dollars to tell you about a recipe.
I love you guys. Dying.
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The Donuts of Champions
Y’know, when you’ve had the same best-selling vehicle for the last 37 years consecutively, and there’s absolutely no reason to expect that will change, you can be forgiven for giving F-series pickups pretty heavy weighting in your current and near-future product mix.
At the risk of indulging stereotypes, maybe if you got a date you wouldn’t have to spend all your time review-bombing every movie with a girl in it.
Cho-ree-so if you’re south of the border or cho-ree-tho if you’re in Barthelona.
The thing about those plastic gears is they’re *meant* to strip or break rather than jam. So that only the gear breaks. At which point it can easily be replaced.
They are better company than most people, to be fair.
This isn’t about what people generically call things but rather about how products market themselves. Non-Kleenex brands don’t use the word anywhere in their marketing (they’re called facial tissues). Same with bandages. The games here are using the trademark in their marketing/description, hence the letter.
Slow down, that’s next week’s Salty letter.
If you can’t relate the to the overall themes of LIS2 - you’re not a decent human being, period. This isn’t up for debate.
There is a phase in period in the US. Restaurants also have different requirements than packaged food. Not sure if Starbucks would see listing added sugars as a positive or a negative beyond the initial cost of measuring & changing the labels/PDF.
Sometimes it is not a bad thing that the US does not get certain vehicles.
And I apparently need to learn how to read jokes a little better.
Mid-Century Menu is a complete delight.