
I’ve got an invoice for an ‘LIBTARDS!1!!1’ (™) brand SafeSpace for a FredJacksoniscool, here. Can somebody sign for it? Anybody can sign. I’ve got orders for 3 of these in this comments section alone.

As funny as this is, I can almost guarantee he actually thought there would be some sort of orientation video. “Welcome! Congratulations on being elected to be the leader of the free world...”


Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

While this ordeal has lasted approximately 84 years, some people will be surprised to learn that it is only the third week of this presidency.

Going through the motions, issuing sick burns at his enemies from a men’s room stall, overwhelmed by the slightest actual responsibilities.

I am just going to remind everyone - since it’s sort of dropping off the rage radar - that the Russian government colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the election with the purpose of weakening America to the point that Russia could destroy NATO and re-assert control over Europe. They didn’t do it because they

The price would’ve been $1,597,200,000, but Loria was able to cut $2.8 million off of last year’s payroll.

But if they don’t use Roman numbers they’ll have to use Arabic numbers.

Remember sitting through a minor league game directly behind a whole row of them who were complaining loudly about which players would only sign five instead of the entire stack of minor league baseball cards they’d brought. I think in the end I’d rather sit with the ball snagging asshole.


They’re like drug dealers. You’ll never get rid of them as long as there’s a demand. Who the fuck are the idiots spending good money to own a signed ball cap or sneaker, anyway?

Autograph hawks are indeed annoying dicks. I’ve seen dudes wheel two large garbage cans worth of stuff to a session, and demand that they’re even signed in certain styles. At least have the decency to, I dunno, try to get two or three items signed at a time? Or to not be a prick about it?

As a person who has attended golf tournaments, I can unequivocally state that there are no good people who attend golf tournaments.

This is gross.

No. They have the exact education necessary to scream “UNIONS BAD!” as if that’s the problem with education funding.

But, but, but, guys.... teachers unions... amirite? So time for them to go and make those fat cat teachers EARN the right to buy their own school supplies. Go get ‘em, Betsy!

Yes, but! If you ensure that the population is too dumb to understand the complicated relationship you just described, you can keep on keepin’ on and just blame everything bad on THE MEXICANS and THE MUSLIMS and the people will believe you! Meanwhile you giggle as you take dives into your ever-growing money pool!

Any white kid who went to a rural, mostly white ISD would laugh for days, and days and days at the notion that Republican lawmakers care about them getting a quality education, as compared to their drive to slice up funding for public education being about ambivalence towards minority children getting educated.

When private and religious high schools are required to accept all who apply, then I *might* consider seeing them get some public money. Otherwise, it’s not competition.