
Welp, that’s the price you gotta pay to keep your piss video off the internet.

No hacker...no hacker...you’re the hacker!

“You cant play chess with a pidgeon.

Kim Jong Un could die of heart disease and Trump would take credit for it. What a chode.

I’m torn. I’m a veteran of the 1st Iraq Shit Show and the Cold War. I didn’t join out of patriotism, I was in a crappy small town and I wanted out. It worked. Being the military actually MADE me a Liberal. (Kind of hard to hate people for the color of their skin when you share a life with them, hard to hate

He looks like he’s doing Will Ferrell doing W. after learning Babs and Poppy blocked the pay-per-view channels.

He looks like Ben Roethlisberger’s younger, shittier brother.

Lane Kiffin does a great impression of Philip Seymour Hoffman doing an impression of Lane Kiffin.

Paul Ryan, another quisling going along with Habanero Hitler because of party loyalty. I can’t believe I used to wanna hate-fuck him. Now I just hate him.

Of course its a waste of his fucking time. He doesn’t come down to where YOU work and slap the dick out of YOUR mouth. He’s got brown people, women and public servants to oppress. Do you have any idea how much time is required to do that properly? Dude has probably been up since like 3AM… I heard today was a leg day.

“The Islanders are Screwed”

Lowry with a seasoned take.

I’m finally ready to admit that whenever I see USMNT the first thing that comes to mind is Ninja Turtles. This is my burden to carry.

I’ll give them a pass for now. Bradley’s statement about the Muslim ban was his “and then you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself” moment.

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

No one really knows. Something lazy and/or entitled I’m sure

Went to a bar in Chicago, total hipster neighborhood, to meet up with friends. Some rail thin bartender with a handlebar mustache scoffed at me when I asked him if what his favorite beer was, like I was supposed to know. So now I go to my corporate job every single day and I will move up the management ladder until

And at the end of Trump’s fourth year, she’s gonna yell “The Aristocrats!”

Now playing

Seems a little late for the investigation. I saw the documentary in the mid 80s.

tldr: needs more memes