
Brady lent his name to Donald Trump’s smoldering dumpster fire of a campaign, so I’m glad he got hit 20 times and isn’t going to the Super Bowl. I like my football free of distractions like religion and politics. I know most NFL quarterbacks are right-wing nutjobs; I just don’t want to be reminded of that.

She may have thought you were Emmitt Smith....

GOP needs to be called the F*CK out.

It was a frowny face :(

This is how I do my college bowl pick’em each year. Obviously I never win.

Mint flavoring belongs in one thing: mints. Mint cookies, mint liquors, mint milk, mint ice cream, mint chocolates are all garbage. I don’t want my cookies to taste like damn Certs, thank you very little.

Dear websites of the world: Quit with the podcasts. No one likes them. You’re not cool.


“He should have kicked it further to the right”-Scott Norwood

Could we have an actual discussion, maybe? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to explain to people who might not understand how this is not an appropriate way to draw attention to a worthy topic? Instead of mocking and condemning dogmatically, could we explore the ways that this cause could be better served, and educate one



Here is the Belichick trick play:

“No one deserves to go through what they have gone through, even though they put themselves in harm’s way.”

Nothing says “putting your life on the line” like getting a pap smear.

You know that link to the Irish thing is....interesting. It’s a weird mix of half-accurate history and some weird modern “anti-PC” rhetoric that is really hard to accurately parse.

Were you on a diesel sub, or an original nuclear boat from 60+ years ago?

“I read an article on Adequate man!”

That terrible punt return aside, wasn’t Jackson down by contact? His elbow clearly made a divot in the ground right before he fumbles the ball. How is that not over-ruled during replay? There’s no question Jackson deserved everything there, but it still looked like the ground caused the fumble. Elbow counts just the