
Yup. Twenty-five years of so-called liberal publications pushing Republican-generated fake scandals is a good indication. Even Gawker can’t help itself with its daily Hillary-hate clickbait.

The media hates Hillary. The NYT publishes a front page anti-Hillary “bombshell” every week, only to retract it the week after on page A12.

Are you saying that your feelings for the goat could change?

“finger in the dyke”? Supporting Hillary, I see!

They’re listening to the Republican candidates because they are afraid, and they are afraid because they are listening to the Republican candidates.

Johnny Manziel in five years?

It’s like the Emmitt Smith Funbag.

Podcast? Please, no! I am blind and can’t listen to a podcast. I mean deaf. I am deaf.

No matter who gets the R nomination, we can always ask, Can you trust the judgment of someone who voted for Sarah Palin?

One option for picking a football team is to develop a hate for several teams. This strategy will usually give you a team to cheer for in most games. Another approach is to go political. When in doubt, I’ll root against the team from a red state. I love to root against the Cowboys or Texans because I like the idea of

I’m surprised they didn’t become the Cayman Island Rams.

Where are the words? I thought there would be words.

Fyi, I couldn't identify the sound until I heard your “Cha-CHUNGGG!”

Given that Hoyer and Weeden are Browns rejects, maybe the Texans could go with Trent Richardson.

“we are all energy beings connected to the energy all around us”

I think she’d garner more votes by saying she wishes the Hawkeyes luck, but she needs to root for her alma mater. Speaking honestly probably didn’t occur to her.

The felons couldn’t vote against him. That’s what makes the denial of voting rights so insipid. No incarceration withoutt representation!

But having a PROCHOICE plate would “put you in harms way.”

If you buy from Amazon, you can go to smile.amazon dot com and have .5% of your purchases go to PP.

But Frankenstein was bothered that his monster killed innocents.