
I don’t know. My legs ARE spreading now.

Even NPR let this shit slide this morning without bringing up Anthony Kennedy, or even asking how often the situation had come up before. It was ridiculous.

Nahh it’s pretty obvious to anyone with a tiny piece of working brain that the Republicans are trying to get their way at the cost of the constitution.

My favourite part of your comment is how you’re trying to equate Obama doing his job with the republicans being willful obstructionists who invent constitutional interpretations out of thin air.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

They rely upon the mainstream media to never fact check republican bullshit and guess what? They don’t. Instead of saying that republican claims are untrue that there is no precedent, they say something like “democrats are saying that there is precedent, they point to Reagan as an example”, thus reducing actual fact

Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of

Jack Ruby basically shot Oswald on impulse as he was walking by the Dallas police headquarters (right place at the right time!).

I would like to advance the theory that the NFL upheld the replay on purpose so that Manning could get one last Super Bowl. THE FIX WAS IN, FOLKS.

I personally believe the worst thing about internet comments is fact that they have robbed me of my illusion/theory of the worst societies of history having happened because of ignorance.

I think he was just trying to follow the bouncing ball and pick it up from a standing position — but he overshot it, and lost his balance trying to switch directions again, causing him to fall away from the ball.

I’m glad he let it go. I’d be glad if it had been Manning, or Brady, or Cutler. In light of all the information that has been surfacing about the brutal toll football takes on the human body, maybe it’s time to start thinking a little differently about how we evaluate notions about the kinds of risk football players

So I’ve hit phase 3 of my life v. pop culture

I realize I’m an outlier but I hate chilli. Because of the beans. Their horrible texture ruins everything.

Re: 1750s trans-Atlantic v 1850s transcontinental US

I’d say this is better than nothing...but I don’t really think it is. Maybe the accidental humor of a computer interpreting speech will be more amusing than the original content. We can only hope.

wtf is this nonsense? I need to listen to 43 mins of content rather than read through something in a few minutes… it’s great if you add a funbag to the deadcast but I still want my text version deadcast. Fuck every podcast.