
To name his daughter?

I was stunned that they let the fumble call stand.

I bet some high school students are having sex, which is clearly worse than taking a photograph. Law enforcement should arrest them all as predators!

This is how American elections work, too.

No way! We are super bowl bound!

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two paths diverged in a wood, and I —
I took the sociopath

The oranges... they are mine! ALL MINE!

iPad? If so, you’re not supposed to tell anyone that they don’t work very well.

Agreed. In the early nineteenth century, the southern states, with the help of the U.S. Postal service, prevented abolitionist newspapers from being mailed to the south.

One day I searched my house for the source of a burning smell but couldn't find it. The next day, I noticed a quarter-sized burn hole in my t-shirt — apparently I had dropped an ash on it while outside smoking and it was smouldering as I searched the house.

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

How can you find a willing ham in seven minutes?

The Browns are that 10%.

So, if you care about racial and gender equality but still support the United States, you are a hypocrite?

There's no need for them to be unreadable gray. The red PENDING APPROVAL billboard is enough.

Most righties would gladly feed the starving stranger on their porch, but balk at helping to feed the hungry children down the block. Moral obligation, like gravity, weakens with distance.

Your comment(s) is like the loaves and fishes.

At least you'll get to enjoy more wins than someone who's just a Browns fan.

Did you mean the AFL?

"Women are bitches! I'll kill them all! It's like a serial-killer origin story."