Every year, Cleveland should play Detroit in a 17th game at the end of the season in the “Sad-offs.”
Every year, Cleveland should play Detroit in a 17th game at the end of the season in the “Sad-offs.”
This is worth posting (via the Pew Research Center):
Drew, you’re ignoring the best part of Christmas week (at least if you work in an office): it’s the one time of the year where nobody really cares what you do while you’re there. People at my company all the way up the ladder will roll in two hours late every day that week, take a 90 minute lunch and leave by 4. The…
(There is a very good theological reason for setting Christmas at a fixed date. This is because it corresponds to nine months from the Annunciation - which is the date Jesus is incarnated inside Mary. That happens to be a very special day because it is also the day Jesus is said to have been crucified, the day *the*…
When they are getting carried off on that little stretcher, if he feels well enough, the player should sit up and pretend he is paddling a canoe. It would cheer up the whole stadium.
My first thought upon hearing of his passing...
The real risk and the genuinely serious harm is not from the photos at all but from law enforcement. The photo trading is embarrassing but mostly harmless - criminal charges or a conviction will ruin your life.
This whole situation is fucked up, but the use of the phrase “desirable children” in the Times article, strikes me as being off. Wouldn’t teenagers or young adults been better terms? Just wondering...
So a few rape scenes are now triggering and cliche, but murder in most episodes of most shows is no problem at all. Maybe we should have trigger warnings so the babies can change channel?
Says the group with the 15% success rate.
How much is it valued at now?
I don’t watch football, don’t really even know the rules of the game, can’t name more than 10 pro players, but those damn commercials make me want to have a fantasy team.
Confession: I never read the goddamn poop stories.
I have to assume dying at 11 AM is at least partially a conscious decision. If you’re old and have been up since 5, by 11 you’re faced with the option to go make yourself a sandwich for lunch, or die in your recliner.
I think what bothers me most about this whole fiasco is that, even if CMP is found to be at fault, the damage is already done. The videos have already been seen by millions. The topic has been beaten into the ground, raised from the dead, and beaten again. The horrible nonsense Carly Fiorina spouted at the debate the…
I don’t understand why THIS sorority video, of all sorority recruitment videos, was the one to cause so much drama. Is it because of the bouncing? Aside from getting through the trial of my rapist, I think sorority recruitment is maybe the most sexist, awful thing I’ve ever experienced. Definitely the worst thing I…
Of course the guy attempting to inject politics into this is too dumb to be able to spell coincidence.
Since the Browns returned to Cleveland, their “rivalry” with the Steelers is 27-6, Steelers.