
Women have a tough outer shell that must be broken through with a penis.

Eh. This is one issue where I diverge greatly from feminists on, probably due to my ethnicity. As a black man in America, I just can’t be so dismissive of the the existence of false allegations of rape and the impact that they have when they occur. Many an African-American man in the early-mid 20th century ended up

I bet no one was actually allowed to even eat the cake...”TAKE A BITE FOR THE PICTURE BUT SPIT IT OUT IMMEDIATELY. NO SWALLOWING.”

I think we’re all waiting, crouching like gay lionesses, for the first homophobic gazelle to trot across the sacred grounds.

Am I a bad person for taking almost as much joy in the pee-pants tantrums the Conservatives are throwing over the ruling as in the ruling itself?

I think the message she’s trying to send is. Me!!

my tears of shame and regret have always worked for me

You can't relax in your new house 30 minutes after you've unpacked the moving truck. Your couches are facing a tv that you haven't hooked up, and the cable guy isn't coming until next week. Everything you own is still in boxes, and you probably don't know which box has the thing you want right now. Your wife isn't

Did Simon do most of the work in the orgy, too?

She's been murdered.

The Eat the Ball site has "3D Shape!" as a descriptive term.

Francis Works The Loom

DVD. PFFFFT! I have it on VINYL, MAN!!!!

You're just so so unhappy. But also should be happy because your post got hits and I know that means $$$$$ for you which is cool because that's what this whole thing is all about, right, ladies getting $$$$ and supporting each other. I think writing about feminism and getting the validation from commenters is good for

Social experiment.

Full disclosure: I'm a Patriots fans. That said, the part that gets me the most: An official of some kind (sometimes multiple officials) handles the ball after every down. Did none of the officials notice the balls being used by the Patriots offense felt different than the K-balls or the Colts offensive footballs? I

Brandon Bostick Wasn't Supposed to...Catch That Onside Kick

Somewhere Jerry Jones is miserable, all the fun I need.

You know what's odd, is that Madden Phil Simms is the same. I was playing last night and ran up the middle for one yard on first down, in the first quarter. I accidentally challenged the play. It was reviewed, and the call stood. But video game Phil then went on about it, "You know, it wasn't overturned but I still

The difference is nobody ever tries to convince you a trip to Camden will be fun.