
This generation's Zapruder film...

Grant, Sherman, Buckeyes: Alabama continues a tradition of losing to guys from Ohio.

I read this as saying everyone(!) only listens to their own side now. But you somehow hear it and all of a sudden the thought of an echo chamber could only possibly mean conservatives being maligned and liberals are worse. Nice job.

No kidding. I thought I would love Michael Vick forever once I found out that he sneaked into Mexico to get treated for herpes and told the clinic his name was Ron Mexico. Which makes me think if he had gone to Canada instead he would've used the fake name Dave Canada or something, like he's Keyser Soze and just

This whole walking on eggshells whenever we have a discussion about police is ridiculous. They can't take any criticism for one of their guys killing an unarmed teenager in a highly suspect situation, unless we also tell them how great they think they are?

I appreciate Everytime public figures use their forum to highlight This issue because it's not just about Micheal Brown. The unnecessary killing of minority men by police is a prolific problem across America. the Micheal Brown shooting is just one more profound example of a systemic problem, and that should be talked

You're ...... an ..... idiot ....

Was I the only one waiting for Adrian Peterson to RKO him?

I just thought this was an especially good observation considering Romo now has two fractured vertebrae. Also, I like seeing the Cowboys suffer. What?!

Guess who just won Monday Night Football?

"Couldn't ask for a better bye-week." —Browns fans

As a Browns fan that hasn't had much to root for in the last two decades, rooting against the Steelers has become a pastime. This defeat was glorious.

WTF? Don't fucking look at my computer or be in my office, howsaboutthat?

So this huge area gives the Broncos what, 200 fans?

Hey Steeler fans in between Browns fans and Lions fans: go fuck yourselves.

Cleveland at Pittsburgh: This is one of those games where everyone gets jazzed for kickoff, and then five minutes pass and 50 flags have been thrown and then you remember that life is miserable. The honeymoon ends so, so quickly.

Why exactly is it "unfortunate?" One paragraph later, you said the position was too deep and an undrafted free agent outplayed him. Are you suggesting that they were supposed to keep him anyway?

Probably the only black man recently to say "Oh no, I have to leave St. Louis."

If the Colt's wouldn't have moved from Baltimore. The Browns would have had a team during my sad childhood.