Wonderful World, Beautiful People

I honestly wish the best for you. 

Hey, just a heads up. Now isn’t the time for jokes. We barely eked out a win yesterday and lost huge in the Senate. Didn’t fare much better gubernatorially. Trump is still going to fight and we need to keep resisting.

He is Gawker staff. And here is the link to Jim Acosta assaulting that poor millennial woman.

Mr. Deck,

I watched the whole thing.  He flat out refused to admit that he’s a bigtime racist.  Just infuriating.

The fact that Trump has already endorsed Pelosi both on Twitter and during this ongoing wild presser is cause enough to be suspicious.  And that’s outside the fact that she’s a neocon. 

I think we need to understand the context here.


Assuming he’s not impeached by then, which is more likely than not, I think by that point he will be embracing and endorsing such acts.  I mean, my God man, he already does. 

Midterms?  This country has been a cesspool of white fragility and racism since the summer of 2015.

Don’t forget Russia.  

Mr. Deck,

But, why are you skipping the fun parts? Now that we hold the House we shall begin the investigations. We criminally investigate not only Trump, but every registered Republican that allowed this to happen. Yes, I am talking about voters themselves.

Mr. Deck,

Why should another user be able to delete my content? I would like to think I would not do that to another.  Is Mr. Deck well-known in these parts for deleting the words of others?  Facebook doesn’t allow this and I’m surprised this webpage does.

Mr. Deck,

What do you mean now what?  We arrest these fools. 

I’m toying with the idea of lowering cigarette taxes so that more people can afford to smoke, thereby raising the total sum of cigarette taxes down the road.  Seems to make sense. 

You really dismissed my reply?  Why?  Have you no humor, no soul?