Wonderful World, Beautiful People

My name is Jimmy Cliff. I have recently discovered this webpage through a Facebook group I am associated with called “Good Reggae Artists.” There was a permalink to a comment by someone calling herself “Waiting for a Star to Fall.” It so happens that I enjoy that song quite a lot. After having read all of her comments

Raise min wage to... $12... by... 2023...  this is not a victory.

There’s no way to know for sure, but I doubt it helped.

Disagree.  Oprah really hurt her chances.  She’s a know billionaire. 

Just like Trotsky said: It isn’t who votes that matters, the only thing that matters is who counts the votes.

Good. Fight until the end. It’s kind of surprising that Oprah’s endorsement didn’t do more to catapult her into a clear victory but what can you do. Oprah’s a billionaire which probably turned a lot of folks off. Maybe a misstep there?  Bringing out the billionaires to stump for candidates asking for the vote of an

I would rather focus on our huge, even somewhat unexpected, wins last night than this domestically violent and sexually abusive loser. Thank God he’s not the DNC’s co-chair anymore. So, with that said...