Wonderful World, Beautiful People

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

jokes are funny.  puppies are cute.

Too bad they evidently took in the lesson on rhetorical fallacies as “things to do,”

“Two tomatoes crossed the road, then one of them got run over, so the other said ’Come on, ketchup’

Hey, just a heads up. Now isn’t the time for jokes. We barely eked out a win yesterday and lost huge in the Senate. Didn’t fare much better gubernatorially. Trump is still going to fight and we need to keep resisting.

I mean, persistence can be an admirable quality in some contexts, but there’s a limit!

Ignore him, I think the trolls broke his brain

Yes, the conference was crazy, but, judging from the title picture, Trump busted out his Invisible Bass Guitar, so it couldn’t have been ALL bad.

Do you keep a spreadsheet of all the burners? I’m genuinely curious about your process.

BTW, if you’re not watching the Trump press conference, you need to turn it on RIGHT NOW!

Who’s at fault for the crazed BernieBro who tried to assassinate Republican congress members?

This is exactly right.  I like you.  

Instead of bitching about voter suppression, a negative issue, why not try something positive and try and pass model legislation that sets forth what should, or should not be, necessary to vote?

If they can do Benghazi hearings for 4 years, we can do this for 2. Don’t stop at one hearing. Don’t stop at one committee. Don’t just investigate Georgia and Kansas, where the suppression was obvious. Investigate anywhere and everywhere and don’t stop.

Splinter readers are not familiar with inflation, I guess.