Wonderful World, Beautiful People

hey thanks again

Mr. Deck is Gawker staff. One of many here in the comments.  He almost certainly has a BLACKED account as well... and uses this one to hunt my fat ass down. 

Back in the day there were enough randoms on Gawker to make a few believe, or make them believe that you believed, some truly incredible absurdities. Now there are about fourteen people here and they all know the score. So I just blend in until I can force them to confront an opposing view, usually through their own

Good luck.

You mean war. 

Bruva - JA is DEAD ALREADY. 

Unable to provide detail beyond - assets are in place and work is underway.

Declassification of the Russia Hoax documents incoming..!

Now playing

Dems pushed us to this. We don’t want to be here, but here we are. We did everything we could to avoid this. We just want to MAGA. We never asked for this. But, again, here we are.

Mr. Scary Admiral,

No hero.  No hero.  You’re the hero.

lol not too bad. not too bad at all.


Quick rundown on Eros???

I don’t take domestic assault lightly; that was no joke.

As soon as we adopt that attitude, we normalize Trump. Joking about normal stuff? Totally ok I mean I do it all the time. But you don’t hear anyone cracking jokes about historical abominations, do you? Trump is one such abomination.

Welcome Satan! I always knew you were with us. I take it this is some hellish brand of irony with which I am not yet familiar? Certainly you agree that laughter is a waste of time undertaken only by the weakest among us?

Mr. Deck,

Do all the Democrats in flyover country look like Republicans?  Jesus Chrits.