Even if he didn’t, that doesn’t make it reich.
Even if he didn’t, that doesn’t make it reich.
I’m part Sicilian. Dennis Hopper dispelled any illusions I may have had in True Romance.
He’s into the AYSO set now. That soccer sticker may as well read "NO FAT KIDS!"
Caught my eye, too. Counting down the minutes until Donj cites that as proof it's a liberal hoax. Tbh, that does sound super made-up.
If the van is a rockin', I recommend finding cover!
Hhahahaha! "Top Youth Soccer Recruits for Trump"? How in holy hell is that a thing?
It's pretty soon for the back half of that joke.
I shouldn’t condone the fact that you responded to Boris here, but that was fucking funny.
That woman with the pink earrings is giving Megan, sorry, Megyn, the same look I’m giving your comment right now.
That’s just fine. At least she’ll be in a solo and not be able to spread the virus. Plus, vile as Faux News is, it’s like a six on the Wingnut-o-Meter. They at least need national ad revenue. The internet is a wild, wild place.
They think they can mask their crushing sense of inferiority by screaming "FUCK YOU, LIBRULS!"
Hooo leee shitballs. That's exactly it and it is hilarious.
It’s staged, right? That had to be staged. Is this whole Presidency a troll? What if it’s just a giant episode of Punked. Ashton, come out, man. This is getting dark and it’s not that funny.
No reason it has to be drawn to scale.
I’m 100% confident there’s a picture of him blacked out with a dick drawn on his face. Looking forward to that.
It’d be sad if they were just getting swindled for some shitty steaks.
That’s exactly right. The best articulation of Trumpism that I’ve heard, the only one that’s at all coherent, is “FUCK YOU, LIBTARDS!" That at least makes some sort of misguided sense.
I could understand such disrespect if those Marines had been captured, but those fellas look like Patriots to me.
What about the part where he admits that his antics are a ploy to pack his rallies?
This is correct.