The commenting system sucks. The users, and the environment that cultivated those users is what’s made the sites what they were.
The commenting system sucks. The users, and the environment that cultivated those users is what’s made the sites what they were.
Splinter was a damn good website.
At least for some of us, the joy and beauty of watching sports is the constant chance, however small, that we’ll get to witness something ethereal and magical. That’s why Steph, and the pre-KD warriors, were such a joy. The ball is moving constantly...Steph is moving constantly....and at any moment he can pull up from…
I’m a lifelong Knicks fan so take my basketball knowledge and taste with whatever grain you choose but I personally feel that Steph Curry is the most entertaining player in the league to watch while James Harden is without a doubt the least. The Warriors will be better then people think this season for the very…
He's only progressive for the elite ballplayer, college or pro. I've never heard him say anything in support of marginal players. He has been catered to since the 8th grade, it's like he's forgotten the struggle with life.
Looking at LeBron’s career, is this CYA, have-it-both-ways pragmatism all that surprising?
When building his Heat, 2nd Cleveland, and Lakers teams, he always dictated how the team would be built and which Old Guy/James Jones he wanted on the team. But the minute the team he had constructed wobbled, he was out,…
I have no suggestions. But hey, if enough people jump to the same site we can class the joint up a bit.
It is legitimately terrifying on so many levels that he sees people who criticize him as people who criticize America. Biff the Dipshit cannot process that people who don’t love him still love the country.
I hate the F35 so very much. Thank you for this take.
You mean Turkey makes the structural frames for same F-35 fighter that has consistently failed to deliver the promised results, become the most cost overrun plagued defense project in history, and has basically been one giant clusterfuck from the moment it was designed? That F-35?
The CIA’s general counsel and the White House National Security Council’s chief lawyer referred the Ukraine call to the DOJ for criminal referral, and it’s only after the DOJ squashed that referral that the whistleblower complaint was filed. The whistleblower is bringing a crime to light, but his or her credibility…
If you got a permit for, and actually hosted, a seance to resurrect Sherman in proper downtown Atlanta, you would possibly break the entire south.
I don’t want it...but our side is younger, smarter and outnumbers theirs. If they really want to go there, we can.
That sea is shallow.
I am an Atl native and I have long joked about holding a seance to resurrect the ghost of Sherman in order to get him to finish the job.
It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...
Milk milk lemonade, around the corner fudge is made.