An 11 yr old kid is fair game? Really?
An 11 yr old kid is fair game? Really?
I think this is a record for the shortest time before a Deadspin article becomes irrelevant
Great post. Don’t forget it is also part of the urban bias against rural folks.
The “arm chair” journalists and related media would have us believe that the only people who can assist in situations like this is the state/fed government, local LEO/Fire and Military. In their view, volunteer civilians simply cannot have the necessary training or even remotely understand how to assist others in an…
Seriously... assembling a large, volunteer force to rescue people is “for better and worse”, because a guy helping people dares to mention he heard gunfire... and right after that they crosspost an article telling journalists to stop shaming looters.
This is just a ploy by Beane to drown out the chorus of Boooooooooooos.
But on a night when the team celebrated the life of Fernández, the team’s star pitcher who
died in a boat crash last fall,murdered two friends while recklessly driving a boat drunk and high on cocaine
Deadspin Spends Entire Article Castigating The Wrong NFL Network Error
You could say the driver was blindsided
He didn’t might have gotten away with it. He got away with it. No one who isn’t a moron’s moron thinks he might not be a murderer.
1) No they don’t. The murder rate isn’t high enough for white people to “walk every day” or even every week for murdering black people.
I bet you’re fun at parties.
But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?
Some people are just made for it. I thoroughly enjoy tv analyst A-Rod.
Is it wrong that I irrationally root for a 19 year old to fail because his Dad is an all-time terrible sports dad? Yeah, probably. Is this gonna stop me? No, probably not.
MMA fans are desperate that their latest, greatest hope for legitimacy is about to get his ass kicked by an old boxer.
I call this porno: “THE NORMAN D INVASION”
Cool. What you wrote is still incorrect.