I’m watching you buddy, like a shithawk
I’m watching you buddy, like a shithawk
Ah fuck it I’ll give you a star
Well now we know why.
You or I have never played England.
o rly?
Well I just said it so.....
No doubt. Grass forever, field turf never.
Fook the staff of Deadspin!
Dafuq is Deadspin writing good things about a Cardinals player?
So Redskins is now an acceptable team name again? I thought you guys were refusing to call them that because it was racist?
And I was listening to Chris Berman call the game. What the hell was I thinking
“As a Cardinal fan...”
I laughed surprisingly hard at this
He was looking at that sexy Arizona mascot and just couldn’t control himself. Kicked out of the mormon church for being gay.
The excited cougar has been kicked out of the mormon church and will not return with the team to Provo. BYU admins did however leave the cat a cardboard box to sleep in.
I’ll drink to that
Fuck off