

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

This article reeks of your advertising department exercising unconscionable control over editorial. Auto-play video is a cancer to the internet and ANY step to stamp it out is a welcome one. I don’t give a shit about any other opinion, particularly not bought and paid for FUD like this.

Yup. I didn’t even use Adblocker until Gizmodo/Jez/Jalop et al. began using these fucking autoplay video ads.

It’s not much better when you’re reading the desktop version and all of a sudden the paragraph you were reading scrolls up above the top of the browser window because the auto-play video that you scrolled past auto-hid when it was done playing......

Thanks to Gizmodo and its sister sites I’ve already had to install an HTML5 video blocker so I won’t be seeing much of a change. Stop doing obnoxious shit like that and maybe I can put these sites on my whitelist like they used to be.

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

sorry, just reminded me of this

*shakes magic 8 ball*

thanks for reading!

For a company that is really pursuing autonomous driving, they will take it upon themselves to ensure that it is safe enough so they don’t end up shooting themselves in the foot. I can only begin to imagine what kind of BS laws the Gov’t would have come up with if they were to enforce things strictly.

Thanks for the info. I’m so used to people (thankfully) explaining why so many of the tools featured in sales are terrible.

Thanks for the info. I’m so used to people (thankfully) explaining why so many of the tools featured in sales

It’s not garbage but know you’re getting slimpak batteries (probably 15a) and a motor that isn’t brushless. To some those things matter. The bag is garbage...the drill is not. $75 is a steal.

It’s not garbage but know you’re getting slimpak batteries (probably 15a) and a motor that isn’t brushless. To some

Waiting patiently for someone to tell me why that drill is hot garbage.

Waiting patiently for someone to tell me why that drill is hot garbage.

Doesn’t make it any less true.

You’re assuming that the market is equal in a disaster - which it isn’t. All the rules of a fair market and the invisible hand change during a disaster, where asset allocation, opportunity, choice and willingness to travel are all upended. Thus, where before you would’ve had, say, 15 places you could have bought water

The price for the filament ranges from $10/kg to $50/kg. I buy my filament at about $15/kg. My 3d printer was $300 (monoprice maker select v2). It’s really hard to nail down a “good price” for one as the quality scales with the price.

“31337" = “never touched a 8008"

If irritation or ingrown hairs are an issue, get this thing.

If irritation or ingrown hairs are an issue, get this thing.