
You sound like an insufferable asshole.

Yeah, this is ridiculous. An engineer/construction worker remodeling my concrete home in PR uses this same technique under eaves so that when it rains water doesn’t drip any further than an inch into the area its protecting. After that, it hits this same kind of indentation and falls to the ground.

HMAS Toowoomba

Now playing

I actually just did this a few weeks ago - (pretty hard to do if you have a normal job - I did while on vacation):

Remember that fire in a warehouse that people were living in? That’s why.

People are not homeless because of building codes.

Gwynneth Paltrow’s feet. Much less compelling.

What’s in the revised script? WHAT’S IN THE REVISED SCRIPT?!

Have you considered that other people have different experiences than you do?

You bring back memories of high school, man!

Not sure why I can’t be paid for being a twat. Guess I’ll just keep on doing it pro bono.

her doing handstands with Hilaria Baldwin

What an Asshole.

Nope, if the beam was aimed a couple hundred feet lower then it would have hit directly on the base. Since it was off by a few hundred feet, it went miles into the ocean, but that doesn’t mean that the aim was miles off.

Like targeting the base , and taking out the dish , but hitting the horizon miles away, ....was the guy aiming the Death Star gun a bad shot or was there a reason ?

Our son’s name IS Auron. Daughters are Aeris and Freya. :)

You mean undercutting the menace of Vader’s scene with Krennic by punctuating the end of it with a dad joke?

I mean i already know i’m going to die alone and I think a space ship with free booze could keep me entertained.