

The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me. 

I enjoyed the first season. It is no The Expanse, but it is a fun family oriented sci-fi drama. My kids liked it too. I can’t wait to watch this with them over the Christmas break.

Played the shit out of that on my PS1.

Tow a Ford yeah yeah yeah... How does it hold up to Sweet Tooth?

That said, it should be pointed out that towing an F-150 driving the other way is more impressive than just simply towing an F-150 - like wtf is erik talking about right now.

1st Gear: Ugh, if we have to bring back Hummer as an EV, FINE.

Everything about the way this article was written seems pretty respectful to me. It was a question worth asking, and Blizzard provided an interesting answer that gives further insight on how games are made an maintained over nearly two decades.

Interrupting your ad viewing with automobile-focused articles, again? 

Of course since CO2 is part of your emissions and is fundamentally tied to mpg, they can simply regulate CO2 emissions to a point that effectively forces an mpg standard.

Hindsight is 20/20.....Except in a BMW

Dang, that’s bad optics. 

Not quite - what they’re saying is UAW employees pay 3 to 4 percent of their total healthcare premiums with the automakers picking up the remaining 96-97%. So if healthcare premiums are $500 per month for a typical worker, a UAW member pays about $20 per month for healthcare coverage while the average US worker pays $1

I was pretty on board with R-Pat as Batman, but I don’t know if I can support a Batman who would say something like “It does feel quite transformative!” 


Maybe call a computer guy to take a look.


The tax credit is not intended to help the buyer. It’s intended to help the seller.

We made it look easy? Really?