
"...Dallas simultaneously feels bad about itself for being Dallas while also deriding the shallow, obnoxious hipsters in Austin. (Source: I spent two years living in Dallas, much of it spent stuck in traffic.)"

The V-22 Osprey's mechanical and aeronautical shortcomings have been well-documented. That's why, for its third-generation tiltrotor, Bell has taken a good hard look at the ill-fated aircraft

"You know how people kiss under the mistletoe during the Christmas season? Yeah, sorry to break the mood, but you're smooching beneath a parasite. The plant's seeds drill through tree bark with a thread-like probe and then grow by sucking water and nutrients from their hosts."

As someone who's often the guy issuing the harsh rejoinders, I'd like to thank you for your concise and pointed work here.

I'm clearly not the only one sick of seeing people attempt to express themselves through rote declarations of individual preference/disinterest.

Nope, there are plenty of assholes like you in the world. (For the record, you people aren't assholes because you don't like Minecraft, but because the only thing you can think to post about on any Minecraft-related story is the same boring "Am I the only one...?" question.)

You might be on to something. After rereading I assume it's supposed to be erect. I mean glacier runoff can do some crazy things am I right?

There's something that needs to be clarified here. This case is not about whether it is or is not illegal to photograph parts of women's bodies which are exposed to the public. This case is about whether the police, who observed this man taking pictures of women in public, had a right to stop him and search the

So, they are into more burning of fossil fuels, because "it's got what plants crave?"

The titles are all in order of the images. I don't see any mistakes. Maybe you're looking at the wrong link?

Regarding Lion King - can't you date it with the other Disney movie? What was that one, Hercules or Emperor's New Groove? Scar makes an appearance in both.

I prefer to buy into the idea that Aladdin is actually set far in the future in a post apocalyptic world.

but I think if people go into kickstarter expecting a refund if it doesn't work out they're a little confused on what it exactly is they're doing to begin with

My first concert was a Gwar show in a club called "the Abyss". I was in the 6th grade, my dad took me and they wheeled a giant penis on stage and sprayed the crowd with milk. Moral of the story: my dad is awesome.

TeamDog is not swayed by this mock affection.

The Dude approves.

A minor nitpick here. The article starts by referring to the tidal forces that occur near a black hole's event horizon ripping anything apart. This is really only true for stellar mass black holes. By the time you get to the multi-million sun the tidal forces are quite survivable until long after you have crossed

You are getting it confused with the Airbus A380, which is slightly larger and much newer than the Brachiosaurus.