
But the real bear innovation happens on the west coast. That's where the bear start-up scene is.

Universal pornography access. Porn for all and all for porn.

I was working 60 hours a week and enrolled in 12 credit hour, mostly online. It was definitely doable, but I didn't have a family or a social life tugging at me. I don't know if I could knock it now with a wife and kid in the house. Good luck.

A major downside to doing it part time is that the GI Bill (new and old) is based off of duration of study (36 months, 4yearsx9months/year). If you enroll half time, it still uses a full month of your GI Bill, and you only get half the cost-of-living stipend. I think that 12 hours is required to be full time.

I miss the immediacy and simplicity of physical labor. Now I'm constantly making decisions and worrying about outcomes.

Community colleges and state schools aren't bad for us older folks. I ended up transferring to a fancy private college where there were very few "non-traditional" students; I don't think there were more than two veterans (counting me) in the undergrad population. Fortunately, I'm incredibly immature for my age so I

There is a freakonomics podcast that explores the hidden economy that supports the blood bank system, and how they constantly advertise in a way that implies local shortages, but then they turn around and sell it to blood centers across the country. In the end, learning more about the business model of the blood banks

Car park?

I don't know about sex, but I've definitely jerked it in a porta-john in the middle of summer in Iraq. There were little holes in the plastic walls and doors from shrapnel. I was worried that I would develop some sort of association where I would get aroused whenever I smelled sewage (or worse, required the smell to

He's a freedom fighter forced into combat in order to defend his country from a violent foreign aggressor. Or perhaps he's trying to avenge the death of Jasmine at the hands (joystick?) of a hungover drone operator. Perhaps instead of decrying the fact that middle eastern men are portrayed as evil insurgents, you

Accidents do happen, but, fortunately, after the Mexican food, usually a change of shorts fixes most of the damage.

The guy firing the weapon yells the question to the guys standing next to him: "BACK BLAST AREA SECURE?"

To which the other guy responds (after checking): "BACK BLAST AREA SECURE."

When firing the AT-4, mentioned in the article, it is part of the procedure to check the back blast area. Checking the back blast area is also a vital step after dinner at the sketchy Mexican place just outside the base.

The also have more at stake with respect to their reputation. Many schools, both on and off that list, have handled rapes poorly, but I think that throwing out accusations at school not included on this list is premature; the department of education probably gave this list some thoughtful consideration before making

Coal appears to supply about 20% of their grid.

Any word on what it's like over at Blue Origins? I'm an engineer, and I like space (and stuff).

The United States Military's extreme boredom simulator! CAN YOU KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN ENOUGH!!!! PICK UP CIGARETTE BUTTS FOR HOURS!!!! INSANE!

You say that like beauty and killing machines are mutually exclusive.

Took the knife's edge at crewman's course too fast. Instructor claimed he almost lost teeth. It was a blast!

During Desert Storm a small number of the LAV-25 (the variant with the 25mm cannon) chewed up a large number of Iraqi tanks with few casualties. Granted, they weren't top of the line Russian armor, but really, the cold war is over, right?