
The "stuff" would really hit the fan if that went viral...

22 million view... uh oh. And we thought getting rick rolled was bad.

Prior to boot camp lungs had always been my limiting factor as well. I remember in the middle of one of the runs toward the end of boot camp I noticed that my legs were exhausted but I was breathing fine. That was the first time that I actually felt like a runner. Now I'm fat again and hate my poor weak lungs.

This design seems like it could make it more difficult to access your tools if you needed something quickly. Perhaps if the table surface folded down you could realize the same space savings while still having easy access to your tools.

I had to read the headline a couple of times. Maybe "Encourage New Ideas by Rewarding Failure" would be more clear. The first time I read it I thought you had an issue with new ideas and wanted to encourage others not to generate new ones.

Isn't the difference between the two isotopes nothing more than one neutron?