
Do they post these articles on 4chan or something so you people can come here and spout your “unpopular truth-telling”?

BLM is kinda sketchy to me.

That’s not hyperbolic at all, eh? I mean let’s not pull any punches here. If you ask me, I’d say the digital effects were worse than in The Last Starfighter. Worse than a PlayStation 1 graphics. I don’t know how everyone wasn’t as disgusted at the pathetic nature of the vfx as you and I.

Oh, I cannot agree. I thought they looked very fluid and natural.

To be fair, market research determined 90% of the crowd would leave after the 2nd quarter to beat the traffic, so they stocked up accordingly.

Ironically, that homeless man turned out to be Johnny Manziel

Seriously, Tom, can you guys please fucking focus on what really matters: did he stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance or not?

You’re now third on the Browns QB depth chart.

I’m 6'6" and 240 I’ll reluctantly take him and get my ass hole handed to me per usual.

I’m pretty sure that shorter guy is already taken by a taller guy.

Just incredible assholes. Makes me boil with anger. I kinda want to fight these guys.

Can’t wear white after Labor Day. Fools

Was Sandusky that great a coach that Joe Paterno would ignore child rape beginning in 1976? Sandusky doesn’t seem like he was a uniquely skilled coach.

By definition, that is an Ole Miss.

This bag of dicks I got for ya ain’t going to eat itself buddy

In other words: it wasn’t your kids who were raped, so who cares?

“I Condone Child Molestation”

I live near some snooty ass shore towns at the Southern top of NJ. There are a lot of wealthy PA people with summer homes here.

Strip their NCAA accreditation. Strip their funding. Burn the buildings to the ground. Penn State University will always and forever stand for placing football over the health and well being of children. The great enablers of child rape. Rot in hell forever, Penn State University.

And on the “American Outrage” meter, this revolting display has only earned 0.0001 Kaepernicks.