
Got anything about soccer that I won’t bother reading?

K, what should we post about instead today?

Seriously, what happened to you in the bathroom as a child that didn’t happen to the rest of us? Were you regularly exposed to other people’s genitalia in the rest room? What did you see that makes you so fearful? Was there a gnome involved?

Who poops naked? At least in a public toilet. Is this a thing?

No kidding! Your little angel might have to hear someone poop! Sad!

Not going to matter much to McCory, he is about to get his ass voted out of office.

Ahh, Florida State fans. It’s like if Notre Dame fans were bad at spelling.

Imagine knowing that there were children being enslaved out there and being like, “You know what, I shouldn’t talk about this to all these reporters, it might distract them from their rightful focus on Matt Hasselbeck.”

“I agree with Trent’s position on this and I spent the better part of 40 years not letting something as horrible as child rape interfere with my responsibilities to my football team.”

I wasn’t sure where I stood on this while Kaepernick issue, but now I’m glad it happened because it is going to force us to confront an ugly fact that no one wants to acknowledge and many young people don’t believe is even possible:

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

In response to all the “how would MLK feel about Kaepernick” people:

“First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White

Wait, you insist on commenting on stories that you hate, by journalists you don’t respect, who make no mystery about their political leanings that don’t happen to align with yours, about minor details that do nothing to change the message of the article? Typical 2016, “Kinja,” folks.

Take a minor, irrelevant mistake and use it to defend racism: 2016 internet bigotry. Or something.

I knew Jesus was thinking about the College Football Playoff when being crucified on the cross. I knew Jesus preferred the BCS.

What a lame response. Yes, I’m aware they would be not precisely applying the rules. This also has nothing to do with gameplay, and it would put the NFL in an awkward position to discipline officials for not calling penalties that have nothing to do with gameplay.

But think of my little 7 year old boy Talon who I now need to explain twerking to (after of course he explains what twerking is to me) who upon seeing this flagrant act has immediately started down a road that will lead to prostitution and intravenous drug use!

I hadn’t noticed that, but it’s nice to finally have something to mock the Browns over.

Fitting that a team best known for shitting itself has the team name running down its leg.

Had to look it up..... +1