
Can’t find his name in the phone book.

Don’t forget that beacon of political correctness, Riley Cooper.

I would absolutely love it if Trump has scheduled a bunch of random citizens with the same name as famous athletes. How great would it be to see them announce “Tim Tebow” and have some random scrawny kid from Arizona walk in?

Also, why the fuck aren’t they getting Richie Incognito to speak? He’s even got a foreign-ish last name!

It kinda sucks because, I’d imagine, the lions share of business is being sucked out of cities...where people in general don’t vote in support of any of these shenanigans. This out of state business wasn’t going to fucking Harnett or Mongomery County.

I was in highschool when 9/11 happened. Holy shit did those people lose their minds. We had dudes standing up in church saying we needed to kill Muslims. My dad lost his fucking mind when he found out I was having sex when I was 16. We had several cases of child molestation at my church which thankfully were reported

I’ve lived my entire life in the northeast. Spent some time in NYC, a few years in central NY, and the majority in the Captial Region (Albany/Saratoga). I traveled for work all over the place—South America, rust belt, Midwest, Rockies and West Coast. Never did the deep south. Even in 10 years of work travel, I hardly

I have a Xenomorph playing drums for White Snake on a stage pulled by a Cobra HISS Tank that will knock his MFing socks off.

I don’t mind Christianity, I don’t even particuarly mind fundimental Christianity, but I will not be lectured on morals by anyone willing to support a narcissistic, hate-filled monster like Trump.

Because someone was looking at my 4th grade notebook doodles, and realized they were motherfucking awesome?

As a Floridian, I am saddened (but not shocked) at how well Florida is represented. They even got Pam Bondi, our very-probably-criminal attorney general. A real murderer’s row they got there.

Isn’t that why Peter (please don’t sue me!) Thiel is there?

So Trump is giving the log cabin republicans some air time? Will Tebow come out?

That list of speakers is fucking terrifying.


Also, + 2 (two) Corinthians

I suppose this is the inevitable start of Tim Tebow’s political career.

I don’t mind Christianity, I don’t even particuarly mind fundimental Christianity, but I will not be lectured on morals by anyone willing to support a narcissistic, hate-filled monster like Trump.

Shaq assisted slingshot

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog with that kind of thousand-yard stare.

Well, the basic premise isn’t really correct. Tall people tend to have tall kids, but aberrantly tall people don’t tend to have aberrantly tall kids; all the people I’ve personally met who were over 6'6" were the only ones close to that height in their families. Also, when very tall (by real life standards) NBA

Looks impressive, but most of that flight toward Shaq is just gravitational pull.