
Naw. No kid dunks on their dad like Ronan Farrow.

Nothing compared to Mike Huckabee teaching his sons to continue eating while shitting.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I remember this every time I see someone who still has a blackberry.

they can’t all be obscure Tim-Duncan-as-a-children’s-toy jokes. *shrug*

I’d also love for someone to explain why we care about which set of players is able to put a ball into a suspended the hoop the most amount of times before time expires.

This is a sober and measured comment.

Are you really arguing the guy who won 8 gold medals in one Olympics is overrated?

As opposed to Draymond Green, who, when asked about Cam Robinson by an opponent on the court, got testes.

I never got it either. I’m not afraid of clowns, I just don’t trust them....

“Still pleaded for fewer fifths than I have.” - Vin Baker

I use to live in Philadelphia around a TON of Penn State alumni (they’re also in my family.) Let’s just keep it real: The facts of the case are ALL so coincidental, there has to be something else going on. And let’s not forget that The Second Mile was a feeder of poor kids to other Penn State “camps” where adults had

Even if it came out that every person in authority at Penn State was an enabler for decades, somehow they’d still claim JoePa was innocent of it all.

Maybe a ring. Or maybe just the pursuit of championship rings. I mean, Penn State football is a huge deal in a football-mad state, there’s not much else to do in central PA from what I’ve been told, and on top of that, even if you aren’t inclined to put football first, it would be easy to side with a respected coach

This is actually a very common finding when a child-abuse case involves a prominent member of a community, especially if that community puts great value on whatever that individual does. There’s a rush to explain away accusations and victim shame those who are seen as trying to bring down the accused rather than

Absolutely. I mean, as bad as this is going to sound, if it was just Sandusky, someone would have outed him after a few instances of this behavior and quietly gotten rid of the situation (and off campus). Good employees fuck up at work for non-work related reasons (happened to me unfortunately*) and you have to let

Stories like this convince me there are others involved, possibly a pedophile ring. Sandusky was enabled by so many, there has to be more abusers and victims.

Growing up, Paterno was God in my house. We didn’t go to church.

I’m a Penn State alumnus and I was totally on board with Paterno’s downfall. My position then was that he could not have possibly been ignorant about what was going on, not with so many victims and over so much time. Furthermore, Joe Paterno ran Penn State, the buck stopped with him, nobody had more power at that

As a Penn Stater, I always held out a little hope that Paterno truly didn’t know and that he was telling the truth but i always acknowledged that it was a real possibility that he did. This just confirms it for me. Fuck that guy.