Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.
Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.
Him: “Picaboooooo!”
If Katherine Heigl had starred in Monster.
Somehow.... I blame Obama...
Cop is an idiot. Yes. I said that. Here’s why: Did he think this was a fucking action flick? Did he really think that SHOOTING THE DRIVER OF A SPEEDING VEHICLE AS IT’S HEADING TOWARDS YOU WILL STOP IT??? No, ladies and gentlemen, bullets do not magically stop speeding vehicles, or cause them to explode, or magically…
Tyler is a beacon of light in the Gawker universe.
Yeah, except no. You make it sound like Ford is being devious with the way it markets EcoBoost. It’s not. What the clueless news outlets are doing with the name is their problem, not Ford’s. “Somewhere below a hybrid” is not a message Ford is perpetuating.
Actually the US sold these to the Saudis. It was designed by Chrysler Defence and is now built/rebuilt by General Dynamics so your statement about being too cheap to diversify is not accurate. The only reason we’re still buying these things is complex but to simplify it for you, the M1A2S is pretty much one the better…
I don’t really get the Anne Hathaway hate. Apathy I can understand, but hate? I don’t find her any worse than any other actor, and far more admirable than many. I’ll brace for the comments proving me wrong!
President Obama is LITERALLY the coolest President ever. I don’t know if it’s the social media era that we live in, but he is just smooth. I want to party with him. Seriously.
If some small group or even several small groups in Israel do something... that does not equal the actions of the entire nation. In the same way that I would not besmirch the Palestinian people for the actions of their worst citizens, it would be wrong to say “The Israeli’s do X” when X is some nefarious activity…
Because when opposing forces are looking at tanks, they’re assuming a very specific kind of weapon with a certain range. An enemy commander seeing one of these twenty miles away isn’t going to consider it an immediate threat. Then a missile comes out of nowhere and blows him up.
This was not even a bashing article! tabloid site? I have well over 200 very detailed articles on this weapon system. You have zero argument or facts. Who is the random basher here? Also, THIS IS AN F-35 pilots own words!
Who the fuck is this guy. And why does he keep delaying my YouTube videos.
I’m not scared of Shia islam. Shias were much less involved in the crazy insane shit like the shia extremists regularly do. But still, Iranian government is run by religious rather than human laws, and when you have that, not much good can happen. I’m looking forward to a thaw in relations with Iran because their last…
Saudi Arabia is Wahhabist, a particularly “Fun” sect of Sunni. ISIS is a fine example of Wahhabism.
It’s just a matter of Sunni Islam vs. Shia Islam. They differ greatly. Yemen and Iran are both Shia, while Saudi Arabia is Sunni.
This is the best that his stylist could do? If anyone needs the gays, it's Paul.
>Paul grew testy when pressed in the interview on the question of exceptions. “I gave you about a five-minute answer. Put in my five-minute answer,” he said.
I didn’t know Harbor Freight sold rims that size.