
It’s intentional and not strange at all. By calling a fetus a child, you are contextually aligned with the new tax bill, which grants the citizen status to a fetus. The right is trying to train us to think of a fetus as a fully functional citizen, with all rights implied.

Newt is a bad, bad man. He may be worse than Trump.

Fun photos.. Thanks for sharing.

If you own a gun, you should be running away from the NRA. The peasants with pitchforks to take your guns. The NRA’s radical approach to gun control is going to put gun ownership at risk overall. That is, insisting that anything up to a crewed weapon should be a protected right is silly. The concept that we shouldn’t

So this. We’ve accepted limitations on the 1st amendment, why are we afraid to make rational choices on the 2nd.

Bernie has flaws, but he has one attribute that isn’t talked about. He’s an honest politician. Weird, right??

Her record on the middle east is pretty hawkish.

So lets see....

You are pitching the capital system for airlines, which I totally agree with, with a caveat.

Some do. They call it first class.

In DC last summer, a lawyer representing the airlines presented to the FAA about their need to restructure fees. The lawyer couldn’t even keep a straight face as he said “our customers are demanding un-bundling of our pricing. Why should someone who doesn’t bring a purse or briefcase on-board pay for someone who


Rape allegations should be tried in court. We don’t have access to the facts, and it’s unfair to both parties to make a judgement without them. I tire of colleges and universities handling allegations that should be dealt with in court.

Can you elaborate on how Israel is an enemy? I don’t understand your reference to them using our military as a pawn.

When I look at our choice of partners in the ME, Iran may be evil, but they seem less evil than Saudi. Turkey has been sliding in the wrong direction and is less appealing as a partner every day.

Iran is actually moving towards the middle, and is less belligerent.

Actually, colleges do expel students for reasons other than sexual assault. Colorado College expelled a student for posting a link to a racist SouthPark episode on YikYak.

Actually, Bernie can’t be bought. But I don’t expect that the candidate you will vote for!


I don’t have a lot of sympathy for cab companies.