
I am troubled by the current hive-mind notion that it is appropriate to shoot someone for stealing.

Well, Iraq cost more. So from that perspective it was bigger.

Well... hmmm... interesting. I would have expected that we would support a more moderate flavor of Sunni, but I agree that you are on the right track. This dust up is about preventing natural gas from getting to Europe. End of story.

I don’t get that.

Actually, I think Russia’s play here is simple. If they control Assad as a puppet, then the natural gas pipeline through Syria to the Europe can’t get built. They remain a sole-source of NG for Europe, and can set prices accordingly.

I liked the visual imagery - plastering the water tower with the word “Hope”. Hey, it worked for Obama, maybe it will work for Huckster.

I went shopping for a pickup in 2013. I wanted something that had enough power to handle the high altitude passes in Colorado and pull a trailer. I went in asking for a V8, but ended up with the ecoboost 6 cyl.

(white guy here, I know, I won the birth lottery)

I had some real issues with the NVIDIA driver updates. The solution was to clean all the old drivers out and do a clean install. Try using guru3d driver sweeper to remove all of the versions and remnants of the Nvidia drivers. Then do a clean install downloading from Nvidia. That worked for me.

Windows 10 was made for the Surface Pro 3 - my son upgraded his, no issues, all goodness.

We are actually in agreement on something. I don’t believe Israeli’s should inflict tragedy on others. But I also think the conversation is not as simple as we make it in the USA. For example, why is there no discussion of the Bedouin rights to their own slice of Palestine? They appear to hold as much title to the

So who in that region is not an apartheid state?

I’m not disagreeing with you about the impact of radical Muslims. But I think you miss my point. In the war of public opinion between Israel and the Palestinians, Israel is losing. None of the good things that Israel does ever make the news. They are always painted as the bad guys, while the Palestinians are always

Israel must have the worst public relations department on the planet. They should invest in better marketing!

That plan sounds ducky, but the devil is in the details. I saw one analysis that identified 19 different ‘rebel’ groups that were active against Assad. Those groups are far from a united fighting force, and it seems probable that they will still be at odds once Assad is gone.

The current proposal from John McCain is to enter the Syrian conflicts fighting on both sides of that civil war.

Hey Tyler,


By every measure, the unemployment situation is wildly better than it was when this president entered office. There are good arguments to be made about the labor participation rates, but it's really hard to argue against the fact that we were in recession in 2008, and we are no longer in recession.

There's a book about the blackbird that talks about this unit (can't put my hands on it right now!). It was cooled by liquid nitrogen. It had to be rolled out where it could see the sky, and left for an hour to find it's current position. It could see through cloud cover and still spot stars. There was also a funny