
Actually, those guys bought a boutique firm that was making car systems. It's used by a bunch of different car companies. It's supposed to be pretty decent, and one of the few good things about RIM.

I hear you. I think the answer is don't be a jerk when you are flying. That doesn't mean don't ever recline your seat, but it does mean be a bit thoughtful about it. I'm surprised at all the seat reclining vitriol. I find it more challenging to be seated beside a very large person who can't fit within the confines

If you like seeing test mules, Mt. Evans is the place to hang out. I've seen more different car companies run their prototypes up that hill.


When I was a lad, Vermont had paper licenses without pictures. I used an Xacto knife to shave the numbers on my birthday and switch them around to make me legal. Then I plastic laminated the thing. Worked like a charm. I handed it down to my younger brother when I turned 21. Kids today have it so much harder.

Gender guesser agrees with you (that the author is male, not that they are MRA):

Yeah - I'm with you on the Arab spring reaction. However, we've created IS (formerly ISIS) with our approach in the region. So the conservative approach to the region hasn't exactly stabilized the situation.

Kind of off the topic....

Gotcha. And, honestly, I look before I recline my seat. If there is a large person behind me, or someone using a laptop or eating a meal, I won't recline it.

Actually, there are good tools online that you can use to pick your poison. SeatGuru is a decent one. You can figure out what seats are the least uncomfortable for the specific aircraft that you are scheduled to fly. It can still change, but in my experience it's usually pretty accurate.

Ahhh Captain.

From a legal perspective you are correct. The terms of carriage do not contractually obligate the carrier to provide a reclining seat. Nor do the terms of carriage commit wireless internet, drinks or in-seat video.

Sigh... you are right, of course.

Yup - frequent flier with several airlines. This does allow me to chose a seat when I book far enough in advance. Next week, I'll be flying middle seat against the rear bathroom because the flight is already oversold. It doesn't change my position. The amenities of the seat I purchase are there for me to use. I

I fly every week, several times a week. Even the few degrees of recline that an economy seat offers helps a little in saving my back on a long flight. My position is I pay for the ergonomics of the seat I purchased. If I purchase a 1st class seat, I expect to use the amenities of a first class seat, including

If you listen to the carriers quarterly wall street conference calls, you'll hear the truth about their views. Everything else they say to their customers and to the feds is BS.

In my experience, those who say "suck it up, buttercup" don't fly too often, and have little experience with other countries security programs.


I met a guy a few years back who worked on GlobalHawk. His story was actually pretty funny. He said that the program team who developed GlobalHawk had not ever developed a piloted airplane before.

Can I get some love for some old skool cheapness?