
The cop was totally chill about the situation. Well done to the police on this one.

I travel constantly. I have loved to hate on GM products in the rental fleet for years. But lately, Toyota has taken the top spot. The Camry's that I've rented are really quite disappointing.

I gotta jump on the screw frontier bandwagon.

Life rings every ten feet on the bridge - safety first!

No mention of Bahamas Air?

Came to see references to Gerald Bull's work of lobbing shells into space with a massive cannon.

I still think we need our "what are the top 10 dick magnet cars" poll.

All that brine on a lovely new truck. It's going look like it spent the winter in Vermont!

While I appreciate the value of this technology in this case, I worry about it's abuse.

If our goal is to crush the only portion of our economy that is thriving, this is a great plan. If we add on state, county and town taxes to the shipping cost, this portion of the economy will die.

My Kid approves this post.

This tail number was produced in 2012... brand spanking new. That means it had the new glass cockpit that was supposed to have software to make overshooting the runway impossible. No mention of weather issues on the approach. It will be interesting to read the analysis on this one.

Mirabel airport is AWESOME.

So totally agree.

You think the government isn't controlling healthcare today?!