
Lets rank the best regional words:

I don’t think finding joy in the imagined death of a horrible, racist, sexist, genuinely mean person who goes out of his way to hurt other people’s lives, makes me an asshole. But if it does... I’m ok with being that type of asshole.

Just briefly reading the headline made me think he had died... and it made my day just a little brighter. Sadly, that was not the case.

Covered in shit and yogurt... just like the teens in the porta potty challenge article

AKA- Pinkeye Challenge

I’ll take the under.

Over/under on number of deaths due to falls/collapse?

I’ll just re-up my past statements from a previous post:

What a quick response time from coaches/trainers.............

This is good for all Americans. More money in everyday peoples’ pockets and less in Uncle Sam’s. The government thinks it knows how to spend your money better than you do. Give it back to the people and the economy will soar. The tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy will trickle down like piss running down a leg.

He is a fucking idiot. A fucking embarrassment. If you voted for him, you should be fucking ashamed. Fuck him.

GAAAHHHH!!! Exorcist Gopher!

That you just threw out that you made a conscious decision to go to Hooters like it is no big deal is what frightens me the most about your comment.

The Chronicle of the Horse is what I named my first porn film.  

When did people start going to Stephen Jackson for his hot takes on player behavior?

This is a bad take


I would start by throwing out the Chris Conte jersey and taking a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself: “WHY THE FUCK DID I BUY A CHRIS CONTE JERSEY!?!?”

This is why Deadspin is a failed liberal rag. Instead being a REPORTER, AB is making ridiculous lists like this that rank the SI ranking of Hassan Whiteside at 147 when that ranking at most should be ranked at 163 and the ESPN Hassan Whiteside ranking should be ranked at at least 48. What a fucking disgrace.

These guys are professionals. This is their job. The goal is to make money and win championships. Durant got both.