Jim Babwe

Thank you. It’s intensely frustrating to watch people spout the party line bullshit and try and convince (me? themselves?) that he’s anything but an old man who isn’t anywhere near sharp enough to do the job.

I’ve had people tell me: yeah, but it’s really the team that does all the work, the president doesn’t need to

Biden was holed up in Camp David for a week (supposedly) prepping immediately prior to the debate. The “jetlagged” excuse is patently absurd. A stutter doesn’t induce you to say things like “we finally beat Medicare” or, when the other guy is talking, just kind of stare off into space with your mouth half open like

You really think framing it as “guy can’t recover from jetlag in twelve days” is helping?

It baffles me that people keep framing it this way. Yes, Trump sucks. Yes, Biden is the better choice between the two of them. But why is he the choice?

Good. So what precisely is being done to educate the electorate on these gains? What are you doing, besides being smug about it in the AV Club commentary section, to make sure people know it? Why, if the Biden administration has accomplished what it has, is this election as close as it is and what can be done to

Oh calm down.  DeNiro sounded unhinged saying it, and so do you.  Trump’s going to end the popular vote?  Refuse to leave office in four years?  He tried to rally the troops last time and Biden was still inaugurated on January 20.  I’m no Trumper but this kind of talk makes my eyes roll into the back of my head.

Because those were the stakes four years ago. We kicked Trump out of office, and it feels like very little has changed. Much of it is through little fault of Biden’s own. The Supreme Court has blocked popular policies like student loan relief and is gutting federal agencies. Congress is divided and doesn’t pass

South of the border, we like to say he’s a North American treasure.

i miss the good ole days when the most important topics to A.V. Club were (a) Bronson Pinchot and (b) you guessed it... Frank Stallone.

Nope. He said some asshole things, got fired for it, adjusted his comedy a bit, and now he’s really successful. He admits why he got fired and pretty much makes fun of everyone, including right wingers. I haven’t seen his full specials, just various clips, but he kind of reminds of Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh. Not the

I’m not a big Gillis fan, but this is unfair to Sean. His questions were fine. I think you let your personal dislike of Gillis bias you too much here. 

Dunno why everyone’s so keen to see Grande do it. She’s just gonna grab all Sean’s wings, lick them, and then put them back his plate.

I don’t have a song selection in mind (I mean... “Tubthumping” got done already).  But hey, if y’all are hiring, toss Nathan Rabin an assignment or two.


I hope The A.V. Club also brings back Page to Screen and One-Season Wonders.

I can’t believe this motherfucker (and alleged sex pest, lest we forget) has the gall to say he writes about labor in comedy, as that would give the impression of him being pro-labor. And yet all he really does is try to get comedians fired and venues shut down.

His bird poetry is top notch. But his sex pesting leaves a lot to be desired.

I don’t know if using a Seth Simons article is a good idea. I agree with his opinions usually, but he ended up being so completely tricked in his New Republic article that it’s like letting Brian Williams keep talking about the Iraq War.

Please don’t link to an ‘article’ by Seth Simons. That person is nowhere close to a legitimate news source! 

Must have been one hell of a shitty boss. I’ve literally heard more smoke about Schneider than pretty much any other celebrity.