Jim Babwe

The thing is, you absolutely CAN make an entire show centered around obnoxious solipsists (Seinfeld, Curb, Always Sunny), but you have to accept that’s what you’re doing and lean into it. Velma tries to hedge its bets by giving everyone emotional connections and having characters learn lessons, which makes everything s

Exactly. The only spinoff I think I would be interested in would be following Arya around as she explored what’s west of Westeros. That premise is pretty much a blank canvas to do all kinds of interesting things with.

Man, imagine how envious Heinrich Himmler would be of that system. All he had to use was IBM punch cards.

Hey, now: it could also mean that the trigger-happy IDF has shot/bombed the hostages already!


Lol genocide supporter

I’m body-indifferent. My enormous carb gut is merely a reflection of my zen-like acceptance of who I am.

I just hope that, when and if a Rogue Squadron movie ever does get made (fingers crossed for you, Patty!), it involves Wedge Antilles, the unsung hero of the rebellion.

I wouldn’t care because I can find real pictures and human made images of the aforementioned. 

You make it sound as the president has no power whatsoever, in which case, why does it even fucking matter?

The dude is clearly in decline. You can’t just scream “bigotry” at any and all criticism as if that makes the very real problems go away.

Biden actually did help create the situation back in 2014 when he was VP and Obama’s “point man” on Ukraine . . .

So did Joe Biden move the embassy back or . . .

He could have lead the effort to codify Roe, but no, he sat back and said “meh

Yeah, humor’s such a subjective and relative thing though.

If you want leftists to vote against Trump, maybe don’t tell them that Trump wants to dismantle NATO. Because given NATO’s history violently quashing leftist movements in Europe (Operation Gladio) and its current role enforcing US imperial interests, its destruction should be sought by anyone on the left. I know that

Biden let RvW die. Biden is an out and proud fascist (Zionism is a form of fascism) openly supporting and funding an apartheid state, that is conducting ethnic cleansing and a genocide. Not to mention has turned a blind eye to similar issues in eastern europe and africa. Biden is senile and clearly has mental capacity

If you really believed that this for all the marbles and could be the last election ever, wouldn’t it be smarter to run someone other than a widely unpopular and senile octogenarian?

Wouldn’t that be a better strategy than just trying to gaslight the 85% of voters who are worried about Biden’s age that behind the

Ask the 28000 dead Gazans or the 12000 dead Palestinian children if they can spot the difference, you fucking ghoul.

Want to clear something up for everyone. “Both-siderism” is when you use the bad things that your opponents do to excuse the bad stuff that your own side does.