Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker

If I have to tell you that the tech from 120 years ago just might be different than whats evolving today, you’re beyond help.

I probably fall into their target demographic, I eat meat, but try to limit it at times. However, I try to limit for health reasons. And Impossible Burger tastes pretty darn good- but it’s no healthier than a burger burger, so why bother?

It sounds like he is doing some online, but has in-person obligations for at least 2 a week. I graduated college in the 90's in a traditional 4 years. Today I sit through numerous online presentations and continuing education as an engineer...and have concluded that in-person stuff is about 1,000X more satisfying, and

One must look at these materials through the lens of the time. Youth of the turn of the Millenia were a truly different and may I say a difficult to offend breed. In fact just look at the television that showed up around the year 2000, South Park being the prime example. Oh and by the way I have a box of Ford (Focus,

Sarah is made up, right? Too ridiculous to be real.

“Tell us that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class without saying that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class”

While I agree the US should work harder towards a more balanced budget, the idea that the US budget is anything like your household budget, is just asinine.

Honorable mention: KISS appears on “Kids Are People Too” to introduce new band member Eric Carr aka The Fox.

This also speaks to something I mentioned upthread. Specifically, social media-style interactions have conditioned so many of us to seek small hits of validation from people we ought not give a shit about past the general ID of “Yep, that’s ostensibly a human being.” Flip side is that a withholding of that validation

Ad block has been around for years. 

It’s getting harder to find any decent car site that hasn’t turned into clickbait.  I used to be a frequent reader at TTAC, but that site has turned into ultra-right/MAGA/anti-everything they don’t like so half of their articles turn into conspiracy BS just put out there to get rage clicks and comments.  It’s ruined

Yeah. In the pre-Jason/David/Kristen era, Jalopnik used to do the same thing. They’d scroll through some car subreddits and then whatever those guys were talking about suddenly showed up here. Then it got great for awhile. Then corporate greed happened and everyone that was part of it bailed.

How can we get Tesla in the article title about a random ass Satellite?

I’m so close to leaving this site, the slideshows are unbearable.

In this case, the bark WAS worse than the bite.


If dealers aren’t willing to give them more than $40,000, where exactly does Ramsey think a buyer will come from that will give them $10,000 over what’s presumably the market value”

Vomiting in disgust when you realize that $16K could have bought you a lot of nicer campers, or about 100 nights in Hampton Inns across the country.

Lol, comment section here is exactly what I expected.

A bunch of whining that “the stakes are too high” to make fun of Joe Biden. Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good. If

Yeah....when I saw Band of Brothers was at 49 I almost just stopped reading.  Band of Brothers is a top 10 show, flat out.  I feel like limited series (1 season) should be excluded, but if you are including them, Band of Brothers top 10.  Further, Rome isnt on here at all.  I dont take this list seriously.