Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker

As I was staring out at the bridge collapse from my office in the Inner Harbor this morning I was wondering how long it would take the Right wing morons at Fox and elsewhere to blame this on one of their hobby horses. Didn’t take long.

A busy bridge in Baltimore collapsed early Tuesday morning following a collision with a cargo ship.

Good call out. $480/mo does not seem extraordinary.

Which IMO is absolutely shameful and a serious dereliction of duty. For contrast - I grew up in Germany and did my (then mandatory) military service there. Despite Germany having much stronger consumer protections, the classroom curriculum in basic training included a pretty sizeable segment on basic lifeskills that

And then of course there’s a whole ecosystem of readily available credit aimed at those young and immature people, much of it somewhat predatory. Doesn’t excuse poor/shortsighted decision making (although the complete lack of basic financial literacy education in our schools doesn’ make that any better), but explains

If you show up to any of the 47 dealerships cleverly located just outside the main gates of any military base with your high & tight and worn out PT shoes, you’re about to get screwed. The dealerships know that 1) you have a steady paycheck, 2) if you miss a payment, they’ll inform your command about your debt, and 3)

And the issue wasn’t with the Cosworth head but the GM block. I think it would be more accurate to just classify all Vega engines as the worst.

The two that I care about to pay extra for are heated seats - I’ve got back problems and I use them year round, it really helps - and satellite radio - FM reception in New England is poor in general and AM is fine for news, but doesn’t have much music. Forget cell service - it barely works around here, so streaming

Banning an app isn’t a 1st amendment violation. You are free to say whatever you want on any similar social media site that isn’t owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, which utilizes its algorithm to push videos stoking social division in the USA to our own citizen’s phones. 

This is not a data privacy issue. This is about our most powerful frenemy being able to put a subtle (or not so subtle) thumb on the scale of American ideologies. China always plays the long game. They don’t have to push outright propaganda, it can slowly work on changing the way the American public feels about

i really don’t get why everyone is so worked up about a shitty app being banned. just move over to one of the other shitty apps that copied the shitty app.

Oh great - first the govt mandates more efficient toilets so now everyone flushes twice to make sure everything goes down, now we’ll be double washing/drying our clothes.

Queue up pedantic know it all commenters on this article.”

I do computer support in South Florida and average one or two of these victims a month. There are times I don’t deal with one for six months, and there will be times when I deal with six of ’em in a week.

yup misread

My dad fell for one of those, the check cleared before I could stop the payment. It was a pain it the ass to remove all the spyware they installed on his machine.

It’s an interesting, extremely rare survivor that you’d never see on the road these days, and in this condition. For less than $10k? Why the hell not. NP.

Just the lady whose father has dementia and bought 1500 bucks worth of apple gift cards.

I have zero sympathy for these people.
