Along with Martin, Dutch Gunderson, Lana and Sally Decker

One of our local (rural) dealers has THREE whole Mavericks on the lot. I’ve been told they have a couple more, but I’m sure they’ve been sold already. I test drove one back in early 2022, and really wanted to pick one up, but I gave up. Between the production delays and the markups, I picked up a used GTI instead.

So you’re proving my point, while completely missing my point. Great job.

A backlash would indication that someone was paying attention. The most damning thing about this event is that the people who own property at Thermal barely cared about this event, let alone the motor racing watching public.

I’m not telling the woman anything. I’m telling the author, and you to maybe not take this entire situation at face value because it is this is something that happens all the time with young military families.

None of these recipes would be out of place in any of the cookbooks my mother has published over the years. Whenever we moved and she started at a new church, she got the wives together and put together a collection of old lady classics like “hobo dinner”.

Is it a lease or a finance offer?

Now playing

All great choices, but missing from the list is Sam Hornish, Jr’s 2008 All-Star Race “Car of Tomorrow”.

Yes, and the military does nothing about it and never has.

Absolutely. That is part of the toxic off-base environment I alluded to in my post, along with payday lenders. The thing is, there are exceptions, and I think new car dealers are a bit more scruple when it comes to these things. I remember visiting my buddy (one of the examples I used of getting married to get out of

I’ll take that. My assumption is based on decades of being around the military and seeing these things happen countless times.

There is nothing made up about the scenario I wrote; it happens daily at a military installation near you and is happening right now as I write this. I have friends who’ve been on both sides of these relationships, and I have children of friends in the early part of one of these relationships, and whose father was in

Maybe, maybe not. Your best bet might be to walk away and let the dealer eat the negative equity.

And your sample size of two “abusive pieces of shit” is about as useful as my two examples of military wives working the system, and my friend’s young enlisted son (ironically stationed in Texas) and his high school girlfriend getting married and living off-base and probably making these exact catastrophic financial

This young woman’s financial situation is a real mess, and she’s going through some rough stuff with a pending divorce from an abusive military man.

The solution was to not marry someone so he can get out of the barracks and you can get out of your parents’ house. It clearly backfired here, as it does more often than it works.

I have a friend who put a built 16v into one of these. It’s a rip. This doesn’t have that upgrade and is just too much. ND.

All I ask for is a little consistency from people. If you (the royal ‘you’) want to separate the artist from the art, do it across the board. It’s selectivity of it all that bothers me. We do it with athletes all the time, and we do it too often with artists.

Clearly none of this matters because he’s SO FUNNY!!1!

Yes, some people are gullible enough to believe exactly that.

The pass being given. The comments that amount to “his behavior is shitty, but he’s a brilliant comic.” That’s the getting away with.